Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hermit Crabs.....WTF?

In Prek, my daughter got to do a science section with Praying Mantises. LOVED IT. Everyone else in PreK at her school were doing butterflies. Equally cool to kids, and my daughter would have enjoyed. But come on?!!! How cool is a Praying Mantis?

I would have taken that bad boy home in a minute. However, they didn't allow that. They were let go into the world by the kids after they were hatched.

However, when it comes to anything else, well, my daughter knows me so well.....

Last year when her Kindergarten teacher spoke to the class about taking home one of the little lizard-type things they used during a science "section," my daughter told her teacher "Yeah, you don't have to send the paper home asking us to take one home. Answer's no."

Luckily, her teacher knew me well enough to know, Little Miss was SPOT ON with that observation.

First Grade has brought us the pleasure of Hermit Crabs. My daughter thinks they're cute. She'd seen one during a play date we had at her friend's house. The little girl had them in her Science program in First Grade, and told my daughter she got to take it home with her after the section ended. Awesome.

Well, low and behold, the kids got their hermit crabs in their classes. Everyone was talking about the requests sent home in their children's know the request. The one begging parents to allow these little things to head home after this particular section of science ended.

Yeah, I never saw the request. I asked Little Miss about it. Her answer?

"Mrs. [First Grade Teacher's name here], she put it in my mailbox at school to bring home. I told her you'd never go for it, but she insisted I bring it home. So I put it in my folder, then when we got home, I just pulled it out and chucked it in the paper recycling box."

And she was on her merry way.

My daughter knows me so well. I love it. My son? He'd have thrown a tantrum and insisted we bring one home. Night and Day at it's finest.

Hermit crabs....WTF? Bring on the Praying Mantises!

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