Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 4 - Slimmer: The New Mediterranean Way to Lose Weight

Oh, sweet I love to sleep in on your fantastic day.........sadly, not this Saturday. Big plans, packed day!

The Boy had a library program centered around Mother's Day. I thought it was suppose to be something we did together, but actually, I should have sent the husband with him. He made a gift and card to give me, but he's all upset that I've seen it already. WHOOPS.

Before the library program, I had my morning breakfast. Same old, same old. Almost the same exact thing as Day 1, with the toast having low fat cheese on it. It was fine. Nothing thrilling.

After the library program, The Boy and I split a Greek Yogurt. Then I got to cooking for my lunch, and also a little Marinara Sauce for not just tonight's dinner, but future dinners since it makes a couple of batches! WOOHOO. Gotta love that.

Being honest.......the lunch wasn't good. It didn't have anything to do with my cooking, it was just not something I liked. Lentils aren't a big one for me, but I tried it, ate it, and will now avoid that one if it shows up again in Cycle A, which lasts three weeks.

It was suppose to be Tomato and Lentil Soup. It didn't work out that way.......and it didn't taste all that great. Skipping it in the future, for sure.

Dinner.......much better! It was rough fitting all of this cooking in, because I had to finish decorating for a Tinker Bell Party over here at the house, plus have the party. Little hard to balance it all, but it worked out, because I was able to get that Marinara Sauce cooked up while I was making my lunch today. The Slimmer Marinara Sauce was used for my pizzas, and will be used again in future recipes in the days ahead.

Pepperoni Pizza with Turkey Pepperoni.......different for me, but delightfully tasty. Especially after a lackluster lunch attempt! The pepperoni actually tasted like real pepperoni. Happiness throughout the land......

So far, I don't think I've lost any weight least, not that I can feel. I might have to step on a scale in the morning, see if there's any weight dropping off.....

Stay tuned.........

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